Friday, November 23, 2007


Sitting on the bed, I watch my mother get dressed. Tonight is our night; Mother and I are going together to my straight “A” celebration at school.

“Carrie Ann, get off the bed,” she snaps. “You’re messing it up!”

I move to the floor. As I watch my mother, I wonder when I grow up will I be as tall as she is, have big boobs, paint my fingernails, wear tight dresses and those hose with little snaps in the front and back. Seems like an awful lot of things to do to be pretty. And my mother is pretty I think.

My dad comes in and leans over to kiss her neck. I look away, embarrassed, because she’s only wearing underwear. She looks at him and smiles….”Get out of here Bill; can’t you see I’m trying to get dressed?”

He stands up straight, looks at me and shrugs his shoulders, but he does leave. I give him a smug little smile as he walks to the door.

“Carrie, would you hook these pearls for me?” I dive onto the bed, knowing as I make the leap from the floor to the bed; it’s the wrong thing to do.

“Why do you always move like a bat-out-of-hell?” she asks. I shrug, but I think how much I like being a bat-out-of-hell. I say it over and over in my head as it sounds courageous to me.

Mother brushes her hair over and over while looking in the mirror, glancing at me as she does. She probably wishes I would do the same. Then she slips on her black dress, fixes the necklace of pearls just so-so, puts on the earrings that match, slips into her very high-heeled shoes, and tells me it’s time for us to go. I look up at her as I slowly slip my hand in hers and think …there will not one person in my class with a mother as pretty as mine.

written by Carrie Ann

Okay…what is Carrie Ann’s worldview? Choose from the following…
1.) I have to win.
2.) Women rule.
3.) I’m courageous.
4.) I’m the man.
PLEASE VOTE for your choice in the poll located on the right.
POST NOTE: 17 people voted/ 35% for #1; 17% for #2; 35% for #3; 11% for #4. The correct answer is #1.


annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
annie said...

(Yes, I deleted my first comment. I saw a major typo and could not stand it. I had to remove it (though I am really not a perfectionist type!)

Pooey! I don't like making these kind of decisions. I voted for "I am courageous" and now I am thinking it may be "I have to win".

You know this is all very frustrating to me!

UptownGirl said...

I voted, "I'm courageous"!

I really Like your blog! It is far more intersting than mine. It seems so natural for you!

Very talented!!!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed bat-out-of-hell - the writer's style is very real. I chose her world view as "I am courageous." I think that view fits nicely

TheJoey said...

It's definitely "I'm the man," trying to take the place of her father. Penis envy anyone?