Sunday, December 7, 2008

Treasures, every one...

When we think about our lives as children, we can easily recall general information about what it was like growing up when we were kids; what we did, where we lived, and what “home” was like for us . . . once upon a time.

Even better, each of us can also bring to mind our very first memory – that one particular, specific incident (or several first-remembered incidents in no particular order) we have never completely forgotten.

It goes like this: “What is the first thing you can remember?”

You: “I remember this one time when…….;” or “Once when I was [age], I ………”

And you tell it….that one specific incident always remembered – and occasionally called to mind over the years without effort or forethought.

This memory seems like nothing special, really, but it is remembered anyway….along with a few other early childhood moments, all of which, as it turns out, hold great value for the person remembering them. It is through the lens of these early memories that one is able to discover his or her worldview.

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