Saturday, December 15, 2007

Which window is yours?

In terms of worldview, each of us uses a distinctive lens for seeing the world. This lens is unique and enduring. How could it be any other way?

Were it not so, we would not recognize ourselves, or be able to recognize or depend on our own thinking, doing, or even dreaming. We would be without a fundamental point of reference, which is the most characteristic aspect of who we are. Look at it this way: Without our knowing fingerprint, we could not be identified...or identify ourselves!

The paradox, of course, is that we cannot know our own knowing. We cannot speak clearly about our own worldview and all its manifestations, because it is unavailable to us. For one thing, it would never stand up to the scrutiny of our own common sense. In fact, we would deny everything, (“That’s not me!”) without the help of a collaborator.

Only through the images and stories of our unprompted earliest memories and dreams, for example, can we possibly begin to see and know our own way of knowing. The question is…are you ready to peek behind the curtain of your everyday awareness and find your knowing fingerprint, the worldview that makes you… you?


annie said...

Yes!! But I have trouble believing it is all so simple!

And on a personal note, I don't think I have yet come close to approaching the memories that will help me find my worldview. That frustrates me but I will not give up.

Candis said...

You are correct - while it is an elegant concept, it is not simple to do - takes time and patience and the willingness to be vulnerable. Carrie Ann and Madeline worked for a really long time before they were able to know - in every sense of the word "know" their worldviews...and it does make a difference.